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Secretary of State Correspondence


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1F. A. TetuCopy of a communication from the Department of the Secretary of State for Canada regarding the kidnapping of F. A. Tetu's son.1884
2F. A. TetuRegarding the kidnapping of the sone of Mr. F. A. Tetu from Canada into the State of Maine.1884
3F. A. TetuRegarding the kidnapping of Frank Walter Tetu.1884
4Francois Alfred TetuAccusing Samuel Stevens stealing his child.1884
5Francois Alfred TetuRegarding the kidnapping of Francois Alfred Tetu's son.1884
6Francois Alfred TetuCopy of a communication from the Department of the Secretary of State for Canada regarding the kidnapping of F. A. Tetu's son.1884
7Francois Alfred TetuRegarding the kidnapping of Frank Walter Tetu.1884
8Francois Joseph TetuRegarding the kidnapping of Francois Alfred Tetu's son.1884
9Frank Walter TetuAccusing Samuel Stevens stealing his child.1884
10Frank Walter TetuRegarding the kidnapping of Francois Alfred Tetu's son.1884
11Frank Walter TetuCopy of a communication from the Department of the Secretary of State for Canada regarding the kidnapping of F. A. Tetu's son.1884
12Frank Walter TetuRegarding the kidnapping of Francois Alfred Tetu's son.1884
13Frank Walter TetuRegarding the kidnapping of Frank Walter Tetu.1884
14Frank Walter TetuRegarding the kidnapping of Frank Walter Tetu.1884

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