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Secretary of State Correspondence


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1Isaac W. TaborResignation from the office of County Attorney within the County of Aroostook. He recommends John Hodgdon to take his place.1843
2J. W. TaborCommunication that the disputed territory is quiet ever since Mr. McLaughlin wrote an apology to Captain Webster.1843
3J. W. TaborCommunication relating to the disputed territory that British magistrates are still issuing legal precepts to the citizens of Maine south of the St. John River.1843
4J. W. TaborAcknowledging the receipt of two letters. He had a consultation with Mr. Tabor, County Attorney in regards to the letter of the 14th. Mr. Tabor answered the letter so he felt that he (Lovering) did not need to answer.1843
5J. W. TaborCommunication relating to various letters he wrote throughout the year to various person.1843

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