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Secretary of State Correspondence


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1Andrew SpringPetition recommending the appointment of William E. Morris to the office of Judge of the Municipal Court in Portland.1870
2E. A. SpringPetition to recommend David Gordon to be appointed as Indian Agent to the Passapaquoddy Tribe.1867
3L. E. SpringPetition requesting the reappointment of Solomon T. Corser as one of the railroad commissioners.1868
4L. E. SpringRecommending the appointment of William K. Austin to the office of Keeper of the Arsenal in Portland.1868
5S. E. SpringRegarding the health and ability of Mr. Austin to work at the Portland Arsenal.1869
6S. E. SpringPetiton recommending the appointment of Charles J. Morris to the office of commissioner for State valuation.1869
7S. E. SpringRecommending a person from Penobscot County be appointed to the office of Superintendent of Schools.1860
8S. E. SpringPetition recommending the appointment of R. C. Robbins to the office of bank commissioner.1861
9S. E. SpringRecommending the appointment of Z. K. Harmon as agent for State Pensions.1866
10Willian SpringPetition for David Gordon to become the next Indian Agent for the Passamaquoddy Tribe.1859

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