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Secretary of State Correspondence


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1Angus SinclairPetition recommending Edward Wiggins, Jr. as superintendent of Madawaska Schools.1870
2John SinclairPetition recommending Edward Wiggins, Jr. as superintendent of Madawaska Schools.1870
3Capt. John SinclairArguments from the inhabitants of the Town of Freedom regarding the altercation with Mr. Williams.1820
4Joseph P. SinclairPetition requesting that Samuel W. Haskins not continue to be agent for the Penobscot Tribe.1860
5Joseph P. SinclairPetition recommending the appointment of Fred E. Shaw to the office of County Auditor for Penobscot County.1860
6N. SinclairLetter from Wales Hubbard with a list of persons recommending him for Reporter of the Judicial Decisions.1859
7Nathaniel SinclairRecommending Wales Hubbard to appointed to the office of Reporter of Decisions of the Supreme Judicial Court.1859
8Thomas SinclairArguments from the inhabitants of the Town of Freedom regarding the altercation with Mr. Williams.1820

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