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Secretary of State Correspondence


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1Alexander SavageRequesting his commission as Register of Probate for the County of Penobscot be sent to him by mail. Enclosed was his fee for the commission.1832
2C. L. SavagePetition to recommend the appointment of Eben M. Knight to the office of Trial Justice for the town of North Wayne.1860
3Daniel SavageSchedule of notes as part of sale agreed upon by the Commissioners of Massachusetts and Maine dated July 23, 1853.1853
4E. G. SavagePetition recommending the appointment of Jotham Whipple to the office of Trial Justice for the town of Solon.1860
5E. G. SavagePetiton recommending the appointment of Albert G. Emery to the office of clerk of the court for Somerset County.1867
6Elbridge G. SavageRecommending the appointment of Elbridge E. Savage to the office of Justices of the Peace and of the Quorum for Somerset County.1871
7Eli T. SavageReply to an inquiry regarding the pension of Eli T. Savage.1869
8G. W. SavageRecommending the appointment of David Worcester to the office of Superintendent of Common Schools.1859
9Gilman SavagePetition of citizens of Fort Kent etc. asking William Dickey's appointment as School Agent in Madawaska District.1870
10Herbert SavageRequesting the where abouts of Herbert Savage.1869
11Herbert SavageAnswering a reply as to the where abouts of Herbert Savage.1869
12Herbert SavageReply to an inquiry regarding the pension of Herbert Savage.1869
13J. D. SavagePetition recommending the appointment of John Jewitt to the office of Trial Justice for the town of Pittston.1860
14John SavagePetition recommending the appointment of Davis Tillson to the office of Clerk of Courts.1860
15L. D. SavagePetition to recommend David Gordon as agent of the Passamaquoddy Indians.1859
16Martin SavageSchedule of notes as part of sale agreed upon by the Commissioners of Massachusetts and Maine dated July 23, 1853.1853
17Merrill SavageRecommending the appointment of William F. Carlton, William Trask, Abiel Boynton, and Merrill Savage, to the office of Justices of the Peace and of the Quorum.1858
18Milton SavagePetition recommending Edward Wiggins, Jr. as superintendent of Madawaska Schools.1870
19Nelson SavageRequesting that the Secretary of State order Nelson Savage to give up the laws intended for Greely Plantation.1844
20Norris SavagePetition recommending Charles E. Littlefield to the office of Trial Justice for Knox County.1873
21S. A. SavagePetition to recommend the appointment of William H. Emery to the office of Trial Justice for Somerset County.1872
22William T. SavageRequesting copies of the report of the Board of Education.1847

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