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Secretary of State Correspondence


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Results 1 to 25 of 31

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1Henry RustRecommending the reappointment of George G. Stacy to the office of State Librarian.1867
2James RustRecommending the appointment of James W. Farrar to the office of Trial Justice for Knox County.1871
3James RustRecommending the appointment of James Rust to the office of Trial Justice for the town of Washington.1860
4John D. RustPetition recommending the appointment of Jotham Shepherd as inspector of lime and lime cask for the Town of Camden.1869
5John D. RustRecommending John D. Rust to be appointed as an aid.1858
6John D. RustRequesting that Davis Tilson be appointed to the Clerk of the Courts for Knox County.1860
7John D. RustPetition to recommend the appointment of John D. Rust to the office of Sheriff of Knox County.1860
8John D. RustPetition recommending the appointment of John D. Rust to the office of county sheriff for Knox County.1860
9John D. RustPetition to recommend the appointment of John D. Rust to the office of sheriff for Knox County.1860
10John D. RustPetition to recommend the appointment of John D. Rust to the office of sheriff within Knox County.1860
11John D. RustRecommending the appointment of John D. Rust to the office of sheriff for Knox County.1860
12John D. RustRecommending the appointment of John D. Rust to the office of sheriff for Knox County.1860
13John D. RustCommunication dealing with the delegates for Trial Justice in the Washington area.1860
14Lot RustRecommending not to appoint A. B. Longfellow to the office of Trial Justice.1860
15W. A. RustRecommending Dr. W. A. Rust to be considered for the office of Trustee of the Reform School.1858
16William RustAcknowledging the receipt of blank election returns for distribution.1852
17William RustAcknowledging the receipt of blank election returns for distribution.1853
18William A. RustCommunication regarding the appointments of the Trustees of the State Reform School and the expiration of the terms.1858
19William A. RustRecommending William A. Rust as trustee of the State Reform School.1858
20William A. RustRecommending William A. Rust as a candidate for the position as trustee of the State Reform School.1858
21William A. RustRecommending Dr. William A. Rust for the position of Trustee of the Reform School.1858
22William A. RustCommunication dealing with the appointment of Trustee of the State Reform School.1858
23William A. RustRecommending the appointment of William A. Rust to the office of Trustee of the State Reform School.1860
24William A. RustSupporting William A. Rust to the office of Trustee to the State Reform School.1860
25William H. RustRecommendation for William H. Rust as a person qualified for the office of trustee of the State Reform School.1858

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