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Secretary of State Correspondence


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1Augustus RussAcknowledging the receipt of his commission as Commissioner for the State and to take the acknowledgments of Deed, etc. for the State within the State of Massachusetts.1855
2Augustus RussTransmitting a new seal for the Commissioner for the State of Maine within the State of Massachusetts.1858
3H. G. RussLetter from Wales Hubbard with a list of persons recommending him for Reporter of the Judicial Decisions.1859
4H. G. RussRecommending Wales Hubbard to the office of Reporter of Decisions of the Supreme Judicial Court.1859
5Hiram RussPetition recommending the appointment of Robert Goodenow to the office of Judge of Probate for Franklin County.1870
6John D. RussRequesting copy of the criminal laws.1847
7John D. RussRequesting a second time for prison statistics for a convention to be held in New York City.1847
8John D. RussRequesting that the State of Maine pass a law regarding the registration of births, deaths and marriages.1848
9Jonathan RussPetition recommending the appointment of Jotham S. Gould to the office of register of deeds for Franklin County.1868
10William M. RussRecommending Wales Hubbard as Reporter of decisions of the Supreme Court.1859

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