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Secretary of State Correspondence


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1Alman C. PrayPetition recommending the appointment of Thomas Littlefield to the office of Sheriff of Androscoggin County.1870
2Arthur E. PrayPetition against Public Law Chapter 333 regarding authorizing Mr. Aldrich " to take, kill, capture and have in possession any species of bird other than domestic" be repealed.1894
3Cyrus M. PrayPetition against Public Law Chapter 333 regarding authorizing Mr. Aldrich " to take, kill, capture and have in possession any species of bird other than domestic" be repealed.1894
4David PrayRecommending the appointment of Cyril Pearl to the office of Superintendent of Common Schools.1859
5F. A. PrayPetition against Public Law Chapter 333 regarding authorizing Mr. Aldrich " to take, kill, capture and have in possession any species of bird other than domestic" be repealed.1894
6Francis E. PrayPetition recommending the appointment of Z. K. Harmon as agent for State Pensions for Cumberland County.1866
7Frank S. PrayPetition against Public Law Chapter 333 regarding authorizing Mr. Aldrich " to take, kill, capture and have in possession any species of bird other than domestic" be repealed.1894
8H. J. PrayPetition against Public Law Chapter 333 regarding authorizing Mr. Aldrich " to take, kill, capture and have in possession any species of bird other than domestic" be repealed.1894
9M. W. PrayPetition against Public Law Chapter 333 regarding authorizing Mr. Aldrich " to take, kill, capture and have in possession any species of bird other than domestic" be repealed.1894
10Samuel W. PrayPetition against Public Law Chapter 333 regarding authorizing Mr. Aldrich " to take, kill, capture and have in possession any species of bird other than domestic" be repealed.1894
11W. M. PrayPetition recommending the appointment of Elliot Oberton to the office of inspector of stone lime and lime casks.1870

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