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Secretary of State Correspondence


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1A. PotterAcknowledging the receipt of the laws passed by the Maine Legislature.1851
2A. PotterAcknowledging the receipt of the laws passed by the Maine Legislature and a copy of the Maine Reports.1852
3Albion J. PotterRecommending Jacob Smith as judge of the Municipal Court in Bath.1869
4Albion J. PotterPetition recommending Gilbert for the position as Reporter of Decisions for the State.1859
5B. G. L. PotterPetition recommending the appointment of Leonard M. Walker to the office of Moose Warden for Penobscot County.1873
6Barrett PotterResignation from the office of Judge of Probate for Cumberland County. (two letters, one a copy)1846
7Barrett E. PotterRecommending the appointment of T. Frank Ladd to the office of Justices of the Peace and of the Quorum for Somerset County.1873
8Benjamin R. PotterPetition to request, Joseph C. Adams, be appointed as a trial justice.1860
9D. F. PotterResigning his position as County Supervisor so that he may serve in the House of Representatives.1870
10Daniel F. PotterPetition recommending the appointment of Joseph Barron to the office of Trial Justice for the town of Topsham.1860
11Dennis M. PotterRequesting the appointment of Dennis M. Potter to the office of Justices of the Peace and of the Quorum for Salmon Brook Plantation.1860
12Edward A. PotterPetition requesting the appointment of William D. Haley to the office of Judge in the municipal court.1868
13George F. PotterPetition recommending the appointment of Nathaniel Graves to the office of commissioner on state valuation.1869
14George F. PotterPetition recommending the appointment of Prentiss M. Fogler to the office of Register of Deeds for Kennebec County.1870
15H. R. PotterRequesting a commission to solemnize marriages for the State of Maine.1873
16J. C. PotterPetition recommending the appointment of Joseph B. Foss to the office of trial justice.1869
17J. M. PotterPetition recommending the appointment of Prentiss M. Fogler to the office of Register of Deeds for Kennebec County.1870
18J. S. PotterInquiring as to the length and pay of the Legislature.1871
19James PotterRecommending the appointment of Gustavus W. Smith to the office of Justices of the Peace and of the Quorum for Penobscot County.1873
20James PotterRecommending the appointment of Bradford Baston to the office of Justices of the Peace and of the Quorum for Penobscot County.1873
21James T. PotterRegarding the Lincoln Railroad Company be dissatisfied with the determination of the County Commissioners.1871
22James T. PotterRegarding the Knox and Lincoln Railroad.1871
23John PotterRequesting laws passed by the Legislature in 1837 and Fairfield's Reports due the Town of Augusta.1837
24John PotterPetition recommending the appointment of Richard H. Vose to replace Judge Rice on the Supreme Judicial Court of Kennebec County.1863
25John F. PotterRequesting that Charles D. Coon can become a Commissioner for the State of Maine within the Sate of Massachusetts.1862

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