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Secretary of State Correspondence


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1Noah A. PhelpsTransmitting a copy of Dr. Percival's Report on the geology of Connecticut for the Secretary of State and two copies to Bowdoin College and Waterville College.1843
2Noah A. PhelpsAcknowledging the receipt of the 19th and 20th volumes of Maine Reports and laws passed in 1842 by the Maine Legislature.1843
3Noah Amherst Phelps, 1788-1872Acknowledging the receipt of the 18th volume of Maine Reports.1842
4Noah Amherst Phelps, 1788-1872Acknowledging the receipt of laws passed by the Maine Legislature.1842
5T. G. PhelpsRequesting an appointment to a commission as Commissioner for the State and to take the acknowledgments of Deed, etc. for the State within the District of Columbia.1863

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