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Secretary of State Correspondence


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1A. F. PendletonPetition to recommend David Gordon to be appointed as Indian Agent to the Passapaquoddy Tribe.1867
2Andrew PendletonPetition for David Gordon to become the next Indian Agent for the Passamaquoddy Tribe.1859
3L. A. PendletonPetition remonstrating the removal of Edward Partridge from his office as Fish warden in Penobscot County.1870
4L. M. PendletonPetition recommending Davis Tilson to be appointed to the office of Clerk of the Court for Knox County.1860
5L. W. PendletonAppointment to investigate the case dealing with W. Nelson Higgins, an inmate in the Waldo County jail.1879
6Lewis W. PendletonReport of the appointed commission to check on W. Nelson Higgins in the Waldo County jail.1879
7N. E. PendletonPetition to recommend David Tillson be appointed to the office of Clerk of the Court for Knox County.1860
8Peleg PendletonA communication dealing with the case of Captain Daniel Philbrook stealing slaves.1838
9R. Y. PendletonPetition recommending the appointment of Joseph Millay to the office of lime inspector for the Town of Camden.1869
10T. C. PendletonRecommending the appointment of William P. Sprague to the office of Branch Pilot for Penobscot Bay and River for Waldo, Hancock, Knox and Penobscot Counties.1870
11William A. PendletonRecommending the appointment of William A. Pendleton to the office of Justices of the Peace and of the Quorum for Waldo County.1871

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