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Secretary of State Correspondence


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1Benjamin D. PeckRecommending William A. Rust as a candidate for the position as trustee of the State Reform School.1858
2Benjamin D. PeckRecommending John C. Baker to the office of Justices of the Peace and of the Quorum.1858
3C. G. PeckPetition requesting that Robert L. Grindle receive a scholarship to attend Bates College.1865
4Charles PeckPetition certifying the good moral character of E. G. Harlow.1870
5Cyrus W. PeckAcknowledging the receipt of the twenty-sixth volume of the Maine Report.1849
6Everard PeckA list of commissioners appointed by the Governor.1837
7George W. PeckAcknowledging the receipt of the laws passed by the Maine Legislature.1849
8George W. PeckTransmitting the laws passed by the Michaigan Legislature.1849
9H. D. PeckTransmitting his seal and oath of his office as commissioner for the State of Maine within the State of Ohio.1868
10Joseph PeckRequesting an appointment to a commission as Commissioner for the State and to take the acknowledgments of Deed, etc. for the State within the District of Columbia.1863
11Joseph PeckRequesting an appointment to a commission as Commissioner for the State and to take the acknowledgments of Deed, etc. for the State within the District of Columbia.1863
12R. D. PeckRecommending the appointment of M. M. Butler to the office of County Attorney for Cumberland County.1859
13Thomas PeckRecommending the appointment of Nathaniel T. True to the office of Superintendent of Schools.1860

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