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Secretary of State Correspondence


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1Charles MillettDeclining the office as trustee of the Insane Hospital and recommends Dr. Charles Millett for the position.1846
2Charles MillettAccepting the appointment as trustee to the Maine Insane Hospital.1846
3Frank A. MillettResignation as Trial Justice for Androscoggin County.1887
4George W. MillettRecommending the appointment of N. T. True to the office of Superintendent of Common Schools.1859
5H. M. MillettAcknowledging the receipt of election returns for the County of Oxford.1838
6H. R. MillettList of members of the Republican County Committee for Cumberland County.1868
7H. R. MillettPetition recommending the appointment of Charles P. Mattocks to the office of County Attorney for Cumberland County.1868
8H. W. MillettNames of persons from whom letters have been received.1867
9H. W. MillettLetter from Wales Hubbard with a list of persons recommending him for Reporter of the Judicial Decisions.1859
10H. W. MillettPetition recommending Wales Hubbard to the office of Reporter of Decisions for the Supreme Judicial Court.1859
11Henery W. MillettAcknowledging the receipt of copies of a proclamation from the Governor.1841
12Henry W. MillettAcknowledging the receipt of copies of a proclamation from the Governor.1841
13Henry W. MillettAcknowledging the receipt of blank election returns.1841
14Henry W. MillettAcknowledging the transmittal of blank election returns for Registery of Deeds to sheriff Millett.1841
15Henry W. MillettAcknowledging the receipt of copies of a proclamation from the Governor.1841
16Nelson MillettRelating to paying the taxes for Township Number 10.1874
17S. D. MillettSheriff's accounts of fees from Piscataquis County.1878
18Thomas R. MillettRecommending the appointment of Cyril Pearl to the office of Superintendent of Common Schools.1859

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