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Secretary of State Correspondence


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1______ McNultyAcknowledging the receipt of laws passed by the Maine Legislature.1844
2A. S. McNultyAcknowledging the receipt of the laws passed in the Maine Legislature.1838
3A. S. McNultyAcknowledging the receipt of laws passed by the Maine Legislature.1839
4A. S. McNultyAcknowledging the receipt of resolutions dealing with the public domain.1839
5A. S. McNultyCommunication regarding the North East Boundary.1840
6A. S. McNultyAcknowledging the receipt of the judicial courts decisions.1840
7A. S. McNultyAcknowledging the receipt of Maine Reports and other copies of documents.1841
8A. S. McNultyAcknowledged receipt of the laws passed by the Maine Legislature.1841
9A. S. McNultyAcknowledging the receipt of Maine Reports.1844
10C. J. McNultyTransmitting copies of the fourth and fifth volumes of the Documentary History of the American Revolution and laws passed by the Congress.1844

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