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Secretary of State Correspondence


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1C. McKenneyPetition recommending the appointment of Edwin Rose to the office of clerk of the court for Lincoln County.1861
2E. McKenneyRecommending Daniel W. Fessenden be appointed to the office of Harbor Commissioners of Portland Harbor.1859
3E. McKenneyCommunication where the author is giving his support to George B. Sawyer.1861
4E. McKenneyRequesting a copy of a letter referring to a petition from Wiscasset.1861
5Elisha McKenneyResignation from the office as a Representative for the Towns of Wiscasset and Edgecomb.1854
6Elisha McKenneyRequesting that Rufus K. Sewall be appointed Justices of the Peace and of the Quorum for Wiscasset.1858
7Elisha McKenneyList of principal names to be appointed to various county positions.1861
8Elisha McKenneySchedule of recommendations regarding Republicans presented by George B. Sawyer.1861
9Elisha McKenneyRecommending the appointment of George B. Sawyer to the office of clerk of the court for Lincoln County.1861
10Henry McKenneyPetition recommending the appointment of George A. Smith to the office of register of deeds within Franklin County.1868
11Jacob McKenneyRequesting a copy of the petition of Jacob McKenney dealing with setting his land off from the Town of Lewiston and annexed to the Town of Greene.1834
12John McKenneyPetition recommending the appointment of George A. Smith to the office of register of deeds within Franklin County.1868
13Nathan McKenneyPetition recommending the appointment of Edwin Rose to the office of clerk of the court for Lincoln County.1861

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