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Secretary of State Correspondence


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1Allan A. McDonaldResignation as State Constable for Sagadagoc County.1889
2Charles D. McDonaldRecommending the appointment of Nathan Walker to the office as County Commissioner within Hancock County.1868
3Charles I. McDonaldCommunication transmitting a preamble and resolutions adopted by the Legislature of Georgia dealing with the proceedings of the 27th Congress.1842
4James McDonaldAcknowledging the receipt of the laws passed in the Maine Legislature and a copy of the Maine Report.1850
5Jerry McDonaldPetition recommending the appointment of Aretas Chapin to the office of Judge of Probate court for Piscataquis County.1870
6John McDonaldRequesting reports and resolves dealing with the international literacy exchanges and other documents relating to the topic.1847
7John McDonaldCertifying that the annexed is a correct impression of the Great Seal of the State of California.1851
8Joseph E. McDonaldRequiring the Superintendent of the United States Census to furnish free copies.1879
9Lewis McDonaldPetition recommending the appointment of Warren C. Perrigo to the office of Trial Justice for Knox County.1871
10Thomas McDonaldPetition recommending the appointment of Levi Tobie to the office of Trial Justice.1860
11William O. McDonaldRecommending the appointment of William O. McDonald to the office of Justices of the Peace for Hancock County.1870

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