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Secretary of State Correspondence


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1Alfred LyonAccount of the clerk of the court of commissioners within Washington County.1867
2Alpheus LyonPetition recommending the reappointment of John Appleton as Chief Justice.1869
3Alpheus LyonRequesting a reappointment as Justices of the Peace and of the Quorum for Penobscot County.1871
4Alpheus LyonRecommending the appointment of Alpheus Lyon to the office of Recorder of the Police Court of Bangor.1873
5Alpheus LyonCommunication dealing with the appointment of Alpheus Lyon as Recorder of the Police Court for the City of Bangor.1857
6Alpheus LyonRecommending the appointment of Joseph N. Downs as the keeper of the Bangor arsenal.1860
7Joel LyonA copy of a letter involving the Ecclesiastical Council convened for the purpose of examining Benjamin F. Nealy and if thought proper to recognize him as a minister of the Gospel.1858
8John E. LyonCommunication regarding Sewell E. Prescott and his office as Justices of the Peace.1869
9William H. LyonRecommending the appointment of William H. Lyon to solemnize marriages for the State of Maine.1873

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