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Secretary of State Correspondence


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1John LoveringAcknowledging the receipt of copies of a proclamation from the Governor.1843
2John LoveringAcknowledging the receipt of two letters. He had a consultation with Mr. Tabor, County Attorney in regards to the letter of the 14th. Mr. Tabor answered the letter so he felt that he (Lovering) did not need to answer.1843
3John LoveringAcknowledging the receipt of books with postage due.1843
4John LoveringAcknowledging the receipt of packages by stage.1843
5John LoveringAcknowledging the receipt of a package for distribution.1843
6John LoveringAcknowledging the receipt of copies of a proclamation from the Governor.1843
7John LoveringAcknowledging the receipt of precepts for Town and Plantation meetings and blank election returns.1843
8John LoveringCommunication relating to various letters he wrote throughout the year to various person.1843
9John LoveringAcknowledging the receipt of precepts for Town and Plantation meetings and blank election returns.1844
10John LoveringAcknowledging the receipt of blank election returns for Aroostook County.1844
11John LoveringResignation from the office of sheriff within Aroostook County.1845

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