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Secretary of State Correspondence


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1Abbott LawrenceRequesting help to compile a prospectus called The United States Statistical Journal.1845
2Albert LawrenceTransmitting his oath and seal as a Commissioner of Deeds for the State of Maine within the State of New York.1874
3Benjamin F. LawrenceRequesting to be appointed to solemnize marriages.1862
4E. S. LawrenceRequesting the appointment of J. D. Warren to the office of Trial Justice.1860
5Ephraim LawrencePetition recommending the appointment of James W. Webster to the office of superintendent of schools.1860
6Frank H. LawrencePetition to recommend David Gordon to be appointed as Indian Agent to the Passapaquoddy Tribe.1867
7G. W. LawrenceRecommending the appointment of Samuel L. Hodgman to the office of clerk of courts for Knox County.1860
8J. W. LawrenceRecommending the appointment of Nathaniel T. True to the office of Superintendent of Schools.1860
9James LawrenceA list of resolves where the petitions should be examined to see if the cases are within the Treaty of Washington.1853
10James LawrenceCommunication dealing with the reimbursement from the United States to the State of Maine regarding individuals who were hurt while defending the North eastern boundary dispute.1857
11Joseph C. LawrenceAcknowledging the receipt of his commission as Commissioner for the State and to take the acknowledgments of Deed, etc. for the State within the State of New York.1850
12N. S. LawrenceRecommending the appointment of Nathaniel T. True to the office of Superintendent of Schools.1860
13Orin R. LawrenceTransmitting an indicement against George Williams alias Orin R. Lawrence and requesting a requisition be made out to the State of Vermont.1842
14Samuel LawrenceAcknowledging the receipt of his commission as Commissioner for the State and to take the acknowledgments of Deed, etc. for the State within the State Massachusetts.1855
15Trescott LawrenceRequesting a commission for the office of Justices of the Peace.1858

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