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Secretary of State Correspondence


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1W. B. LaphamRequesting that his name be brought up in front of the Governor and Council to be appointed as Justices of the Peace.1858
2W. B. LaphamA copy of a letter sent to the State beneficiaries that are going to attend the Hartford Asylum for the deaf and dumb for one year.1858
3William B. LaphamNames of persons from whom letters have been received.1867
4William B. LaphamPetition recommending the appointment of George W. Quimby to a position to inquire into the operation of Industrial Schools for Girls.1867
5William B. LaphamRecommending the reappointment of George G. Stacy to the office of State Librarian.1867
6William B. LaphamRecommending the appointment of Henry C. Reed to the office of Judge of Probate for Oxford County.1867
7William B. LaphamRecommending the reappointment of Aranda G. Tinkham to the office of Trial Justice for Oxford County.1871
8William B. LaphamRecommenidng the appointment of William B. Lapham to the office of Dedimus Justice for Kennebec County.1871
9William B. LaphamRecommending the appointment of William B. Lapham to the office of Justices of the Peace and of the Quorum for Kennebec County.1871
10William B. LaphamRecommending Dr. William B. Lapham as a Justices of the Peace.1858

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