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Secretary of State Correspondence


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1A. K. P. KnowltonPetition recommending the appointment of George W. Coombs to the office of Sheriff of Androscoggin County.1870
2A. K. P. KnowltonRecommending the appointment of A. K. P. Knowlton to the office of Dedimus Justice for Androscoggin County.1872
3A. K. P. KnowltonRecommending the appointment of Fred H. Peckham to solemnize marriages for the State of Maine.1873
4A. K. P. KnowltonRecommending the appointment of Dr. Bowen to the office of trustee for the Normal School.1883
5Abraham KnowltonCertificate of Justices of the Court of Trials.1845
6Albion K. P. KnowltonRecommending the appointment of Everet A. Nash to the office of Clerk of the Municipal Court in Lewiston.1872
7Benjamin KnowltonPetition of the City Council of Rockland request all citizens of Rockland who have applied or who may apply for appointment to any one of the several offices in Knox County to withdraw their name for the betterment of the Republican Party.1860
8Charles E. KnowltonRecommending the appointment of Charles E. Knowlton to solemnize marriages for the State.1870
9D. H. KnowltonRegarding the appointment of a trustee for the Normal School.1883
10E. KnowltonRecommending the appointment of Hiram Wing to the office of Trial Justice.1860
11E. KnowltonRecommending Wales Hubbard to the office of Reporter of Decisions of the Supreme Judicial Court.1859
12E. KnowltonRecommending Wales Hubbard to the office of Reporter of Decisions of the Supreme Judicial Court.1859
13Ebenezer KnowltonRequesting copies of the board of eduction reports.1847
14Ebenezer KnowltonLetter of support for Jonas Burnham regarding the appointment of Superintendent of Common Schools.1859
15Ebenezer KnowltonCommunication dealing with the pros and cons of the candidates being considered for the Reporter of Decisions of the Supreme Judicial Court.1859
16Ebenezer KnowltonRecommending the appointment of N. A. Farwell to the vacant office of U. S. Senator.1864
17Ebenezer KnowltonCertificate of election of Presidential electors.1868
18Ebenezer KnowltonElectors of President and Vice President--1868.1868
19Ebenezer KnowltonPettion recommending the appointment of Ezekiel Prescott as a commissioner for State vauluation.1869
20Ebenezer KnowltonRequesting the reappointment of John Colby Knowlton to the office of Justices of the Peace and of the Quorum for Waldo County.1873
21Fred KnowltonRecommending the appointment of Ezekiel Prescott to the office of Justices of the Peace and of the Quorum for Waldo County.1872
22George C. KnowltonRecommending the appointment of John Gains to the office of Coroner for York County.1871
23George H. KnowltonPetition recommending the reappointment of Jonathan G. Deckerson as associate judge to the Supreme Judicial Court within York County.1869
24George H. KnowltonRecommending the appointmnet of Charles E. Wild to the office of Insurance Commissioner.1870
25George H. KnowltonPetition recommending the reappointment of Jonathan G. Dickerson to his office as associate justice of the Supreme Judicial Court.1869

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