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Secretary of State Correspondence


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1Andrew W. KentTransmitting his oath and seal of office as Commissioner of Deeds for the State of Maine within the State of New York.1873
2Edward KentRecommending the appointment of George Kent to the office of State Librarian.1867
3Edward KentRecommending the appointment of Hollis Bowman to the office of Railroad Commissioner.1868
4Edward KentRequesting a copy of the act incorporating "The Penobscot Boom".1832
5Edward KentAcknowledging the receipt of his commission as Commissioner for the State and to take the acknowledgments of Deed, etc. for the State within the State of NewYork, and Massachusetts.1838
6Edward KentEdward R. Johnston--County Commissioner, Hartford.1838
7Edward KentRequesting that notice be given to the members of the Executive Council for a special session.1838
8Edward KentRequesting the books and maps pertaining to the Treaty of Ghent be sent to Bangor.1838
9Edward KentRequesting commissions to take to deposit to various men in other States.1838
10Edward KentRequesting commissions to take acknowledgments etc. out of the State.1838
11Edward KentRecommending Solymon Heath to be appointed to the office of Reporter of Decisions.1859
12Edward KentRecommending Solymon Heath to the office of Reporter of Decisions of the Supreme Judicial Court.1859
13Edward KentRecommending Peter Thacher as a judge to the Supreme Judicial Court.1859
14Edward KentRecommending David Worcester for the office of Superintendent of Common Schools.1859
15Edward KentPetition recommending the appointment of Samuel Maxwell to the office of keeper of the Bangor arsenal.1860
16Edward KentResignation of Edward Kent as Justice of the Supreme Judicial Court of the State of Maine.1866
17Edward H. KentTransmitting his oath and seal of office as Commissioner for the State of Maine within the State of New York.1868
18Edward Kent, 1802-1877Edward Kent in account with the State of Maine as agent relative to fines forfeitures and bills of cost.
19Edward Kent, 1802-1877Will attend to the duties regarding fines, forfeitures and bills of cost due to the State.1830
20Edward Kent, 1802-1877Acknowledging the receipt of a package dealing with the proceedings of the fines, forfeitures and bills of costs.1830
21Edward Kent, 1802-1877Explaining that he can not give a report to the Executive Council concerning the Fines, forfeitures and bills of costs.1830
22Edward Kent, 1802-1877Report of E. Kent, agent to collect fines etc., in Penobscot.1830
23Edward Kent, 1802-1877Report by Edward Kent, agent to collect fines etc., in Penobscot County.1831
24Edward Kent, 1802-1877Requesting a certified copy of the Resolve in favor of the Town of Edna for the abatement of State Tax.1832
25Edward Kent, 1802-1877Requesting a copy of the "Sugar Island Boom" bill passed during the winter (1832) session.1832

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