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Secretary of State Correspondence


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1A. L. KellyPetition recommending the reappointment of Chief Justice Appleton and Justice Deckerson.1869
2A. L. KellyInquiring as to where a commission was given to Simeon Sabine and if it was, Mr. Sabine would like to receive it upon his paying the fee.1833
3A. L. KellyRequesting that Thomas W. Vose be appointed as a Justices of the Peace and of the Quorum.1859
4A. L. KellyRecommending the appointment of Llewellyn True to the office of Trial Justice for the town of Frankfort.1860
5Daniel KellyPetition from the citizens of Washington County recommending Peter Thacher be appointed as judge to the Supreme Judicial Court.1859
6F. W. KellyPetition recommending the reappointment of Chief Justice Appleton and Justice Deckerson.1869
7Frank Webster KellyRecommending the appointment of Frank Webster Kelly to the office of Justices of the Peace and of the Quorum for Waldo County.1870
8James M. KellyRecommending the appointment of John S. Witham to solemnize marriages for the State of Maine.1872
9John KellyList of members of the Republican County Committee for Cumberland County.1868
10John KellyRecommending the appointment of Charles P. Mattocks to the office of county attorney.1870
11John KellyRecommending the appointment of Charles P. Mattocks to the office of County Attorney for Cumberland County.1870
12John S. KellyRequesting a copy of the Laws passed by the last Legislative session and the Greenleaf Reports.1835
13L. C. KellyPetition to recommend David Gordon to be appointed as Indian Agent to the Passapaquoddy Tribe.1867
14Webster KellyCommunication relating for a warrant to arrest Abraham Read and please to enter Webster Kelly's name into the nomination book for Justices of the Peace and Quorum.1846

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