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Secretary of State Correspondence


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1Albert F. HigginsRecommending the appointment of Albert F. Higgins to the office of Trial Justice for Hancock County.1872
2Andrew J. HigginsRecommending the appointment of Andrew J. Higgins to the office of Justices of the Peace and of the Quorum for Washington County.1871
3C. H. HigginsPetition requesting that Robert L. Grindle receive a scholarship to attend Bates College.1865
4Ebenezer HigginsHouse Reports regarding the North East Boundary with covering letter and addressed envelope directed to Jonathan Cilley.1837
5Eli HigginsPetition recommending the appointment of James L. Stoddard to the office of Register of Deeds for Kennebec County.1870
6G. Z. HigginsRecommending the appointment of Augustus M. Smith to solemnize marriages for the State of Maine.1871
7Hiram HigginsPetition recommending the appointment of Ebenezer H. Barrett to the office of trial justice.1868
8Huthun HigginsPetition to recommend David Gordon as agent of the Passamaquoddy Indians.1859
9J. C. HigginsWarrants for the pardon for J. C. Higgins and Commutation for Daniel Hill.1869
10J. W. HigginsReimbursement from J. W. Higgins.1879
11James HigginsRecommending the removal of James Higgins, a convict in the Maine State Prison to the insane hospital.1875
12John HigginsPetition of George W. Nutt to be appointed Indian Agent for the Passamaquoddy tribe.1859
13Lewis HigginsReport from the deer warden on Mt. Desert.1867
14Nehemiah H. Higgins, Jr.Recommending the appointment of Nehemiah H. Higgins, Jr. to the office of Justices of the Peace and of the Quorum for Hancock County.1872
15Phineas HigginsRequesting assistance for a Charles Farnham of Hodgdon Mills so that he may continue his education at the Deaf Asylum.1870
16Phineas HigginsRequesting the status for the case of Charles Farnham to attend the Hartford Asylum.1870
17Phineas HigginsRegarding the situation of Charles Farnham as a beneficiary of the State at the American Asylum.1870
18Reuben HigginsList of members of the Republican County Committee for Cumberland County.1868
19Seth HigginsRecommending the appointment of William Paine and Seth Higgins to the office of Trial Justice.1860
20Solomon F. HigginsPetition recommending the appointment of Samuel Adler as a Commissioner of Deeds for the State of Maine within the State of New York.1871
21Stephen C. HigginsRecommending the appointment of Stephen C. Higgins to the office of Justices of the Peace and of the Quorum for Penobscot County.1870
22W. Nelson HigginsRequesting to move an inmate from his jail as he believes the inmate is insane.1879
23W. Nelson HigginsAppointment to investigate the case dealing with W. Nelson Higgins, an inmate in the Waldo County jail.1879
24Willard C. HigginsReport from the deer warden on Mt. Desert.1867

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