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Secretary of State Correspondence


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1Arad HatchRecommending Cyril Pearl to be appointed to the office of Supreintendent of Common Schools.1859
2Charles H. HatchTransmitting official seal and signature as a Commissioner for the State of Maine within the State of New York.1868
3Charles H. HatchTransmitting his oath and seal of office as a commissioner for the State of Maine within the State of New Yorkl.1869
4D. HatchPetition recommending the appointment of William D. Haley as Municipal judge for the city of Bath.1868
5D. Hatch, Jr.Petition requesting the appointment of William D. Haley to the office of Judge in the municipal court.1868
6Eben HatchRepublicans recommending the appointment of Edwin Rose to the office of clerk of courts for Lincoln County.1861
7Ebenezer HatchRecommending the appointment of Edwin Rose to the office of clerk of the court for Lincoln County.1861
8Elisha HatchRecommending Cyril Pearl to be appointed to the office of Supreintendent of Common Schools.1859
9Elisha Hatch, Jr.Recommending Cyril Pearl to be appointed to the office of Supreintendent of Common Schools.1859
10Ezekiel HatchDeclining the office of Justice of the Court of Trials, he also recommends some names.1845
11George E. HatchRecommending the appointment of George E. Hatch to the office of justices of the Peace and of the Quorum for York County.1871
12George H. HatchAcknowledging the receipt of blank returns for distribution.1854
13George H. HatchRecommending the appointment of Cyril Pearl to the office of Superintendent of Common Schools.1859
14George H. HatchRequesting that Richmond Academy become the Normal School for Sagadahoc County.1861
15George K. HatchRecommending the appointment of George K. Hatch to the office of Trial Justice for Washington County.1872
16George K. HatchPetition recommending Arthur John Lockhart to solmenize marriages in the State of Maine.1872
17George K. HatchRecommending the appointment of George K. Hatch to the office of Dedimus Potestatem for Washington County.1872
18George K. HatchRecommending the appointment of George K. Hatch to the office of Notary Public for Washington County.1873
19George W. HatchRecommending Cyril Pearl to be appointed to the office of Supreintendent of Common Schools.1859
20Gideon HatchRecommending and requesting Thomas Warren to be appointed to the office of Justices of the Peace and of the Quorum.1859
21Howland HatchRecommending Cyril Pearl to be appointed to the office of Supreintendent of Common Schools.1859
22I. HatchPetition requesting that Charles F. Stevens be appointed or employed to supervise the improvements of ventilation and heating for the Insane Hospital.1861
23J. Davis HatchPetition requesting the appointment of William D. Haley to the office of Judge in the municipal court.1868
24J. H. HatchRecommending the appointment of Cyril Pearl to the office of Superintendent of Common Schools.1859
25John HatchRecommending the appointment of Mark Rollins to the office of Trial Justice for the town of Albion.1860

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