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Secretary of State Correspondence


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1James GrahamRequesting an appointment to a commission as Commissioner for the State and to take the acknowledgments of Deed, etc. for the State within the State of Louisana.1865
2James GrahamRequesting an appointment to a commission as Commissioner for the State and to take the acknowledgments of Deed, etc. for the State within the State of Louisana.1865
3James GrahamRequesting an appointment to a commission as Commissioner for the State and to take the acknowledgments of Deed, etc. for the State within the State of Louisana.1865
4Robert M. C. GrahamRequesting an appointment as a commissioner for the State of Maine from the State of New York.1861
5Robert M. C. GrahamRequesting an appointment to a commission as Commissioner for the State and to take the acknowledgments of Deed, etc. for the State within the State of New York.1861
6Thomas GrahamRequesting the appointment as Commissioner of Deeds.1837
7Thomas GrahamA list of commissioners appointed by the Governor.1837
8Thomas GrahamAcknowledging the receipt of his commission as Commissioner for the State and to take the acknowledgments of Deed, etc. for the State within the State of New York.1837
9W. A. GrahamAcknowledging the receipt of a copy of Greenleaf's map of Maine.1845
10W. A. GrahamRequesting statistical information in relation to the expenditures and profits of such establishments since the year 1839; also to obtain the different plans, upon which Penitentiaries have been constructed.1845

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