Search Results
Results 1 to 25 of 101
Name | Description | Year | |
1 | A. B. Gould | Recommending Peter Thacher as judge for the Supreme Judicial Court. | 1859 |
2 | A. B. Gould | Petition to recommend the appointment of J. W. V. Norwood to the office of Register of Deeds within Knox County. | 1860 |
3 | A. B. Gould | Petition recommending the appointment of Jotham Shepherd as inspector of lime and lime cask for the Town of Camden. | 1869 |
4 | A. P. Gould | Recommending the appointment of A. P. Gould to the office of Justices of the Peace and of the Quorum for Knox County. | 1871 |
5 | A. P. Gould | Recommending the appointment of Edwin Rose to the office of clerk of the courts for Lincoln County. | 1861 |
6 | A. P. Gould | In relation to Mr. Rose's position as shown by Mr. Converse. | 1861 |
7 | A. P. Gould | Recommending the appointment of Edwin Rose to the office of clerk of the court for Lincoln County. | 1861 |
8 | A. P. Gould | Recommending the appointment of Mr. Rose to the office of clerk of the court for Lincoln County. | 1861 |
9 | A. P. Gould | Petition recommending the appointment of Edwin Rose to the office of clerk of the court for Lincoln County. | 1862 |
10 | A. P. Gould | Number of cases on the docket of the SJC for Cumberland County and attorny's names. | 1868 |
11 | A. P. Gould | Petition recommending the reappointment of John Appleton and Jonathan G. Dickerson to their present postitions. | 1869 |
12 | A. P. Gould | Petition recommending the reappointment of John Appleton and Jonathan G. Dickerson to their present postitions. | 1869 |
13 | A. P. Gould | Recommending the reappointment of Judge Dickerson. | 1869 |
14 | A. P. Gould | Letter from Wales Hubbard with a list of persons recommending him for Reporter of the Judicial Decisions. | 1859 |
15 | A. P. Gould | Petition recommending Wales Hubbard to be appointed for the office of Reporter of Decisions of the Supreme Judicial Court. | 1859 |
16 | A. P. Gould | Recommending Wales Hubbard as Reporter of Judicial decisions. | 1859 |
17 | A. P. Gould | Letter of Lincoln Bar to the Governor regarding that they should be represented on the Supreme Judicial Court Bench, therefore they are recommending Peter Thacher to be appointed judge. | 1859 |
18 | A. P. Gould | Recommending the appointment of Davis Tillson to the office of clerk of the courts for Knox County. | 1860 |
19 | A. P. Gould | Recommending the appointment of Davis Tillson to the office of clerk of the courts for Knox County. | 1860 |
20 | Aaron Gould | Arguments from the inhabitants of the Town of Freedom regarding the altercation with Mr. Williams. | 1820 |
21 | Albert Gould | Recommending the appointment of Albert Gould to the office of Coroner for Cumberland County. | 1871 |
22 | Albert P. Gould | Letter from Wales Hubbard with a list of persons recommending him for Reporter of the Judicial Decisions. | 1859 |
23 | Albert P. Gould | Petition recommending the appointment of Beder Fales to the office of Trial Justice for Knox County. | 1860 |
24 | Asa H. Gould | Recommending the appointment of Nathaniel T. True to the office of Superintendent of Schools. | 1860 |
25 | Benjamin C. Gould | Petition recommending the appointment of Jotham Shepherd as inspector of lime and lime cask for the Town of Camden. | 1868 |
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