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Secretary of State Correspondence


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1Clara GolderPetition against Public Law Chapter 333 regarding authorizing Mr. Aldrich " to take, kill, capture and have in possession any species of bird other than domestic" be repealed.1894
2David GolderRequesting to renew his appointment as Justices of the Peace and of the Quorum for Kennebec County.1870
3E. F. GolderPetition against Public Law Chapter 333 regarding authorizing Mr. Aldrich " to take, kill, capture and have in possession any species of bird other than domestic" be repealed.1894
4H. W. GolderResignation of H. W. Golder from the office of Fish Warden for Kennbec County.1873
5H. W. GolderPetition against Public Law Chapter 333 regarding authorizing Mr. Aldrich " to take, kill, capture and have in possession any species of bird other than domestic" be repealed.1894
6Henry W. GolderRecommending the appointment of Henry W. Golder to the office of Justices of the Peace for Kennebec County.1871
7J. U. GolderList of principal names to be appointed to various county positions.1861
8J. U. GolderSchedule of recommendations regarding Republicans presented by George B. Sawyer.1861
9J. W. GolderPetition recommending the appointment of George B. Sawyer to the office of clerk of the court for Lincoln County.1861
10Thomas L. GolderPetition against Public Law Chapter 333 regarding authorizing Mr. Aldrich " to take, kill, capture and have in possession any species of bird other than domestic" be repealed.1894

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