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Secretary of State Correspondence


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1Alvah H. GodfreyRecommending that Mr. Watson receive his pay from working with the Maine Soldiers Relief Association.1867
2John E. GodfreyRecommending the appointment of George Kent to the office of State Librarian.1867
3John E. GodfreyRecommending the appointment of A. G. Wakefield to the office of Railroad Commissioner.1868
4John E. GodfreyPetition recommending the appointment of Ansel C. Hallett to the office of Justices of the Peace.1868
5John E. GodfreyRequesting to renew is commission as Justices of the Peace and of the Quorum.1869
6John E. GodfreyPetition recommending the reappointment of Jonathan G. Dickerson.1869
7John E. GodfreyPetition recommending the reappointment of John Appleton as Chief Justice.1869
8John E. GodfreyNot recommending George W. Royal's reappointment to the office of Justices of the Peace and of the Quorum for Penobscot County.1870
9John E. GodfreyTransmitting the news of Joseph Bartlett's death (April 1, 1870) and appointed a temporary Register of Probate for Penobscot County.1870
10John E. GodfreyRecommending the appointment of Simon F. Walker to the office of Moose Warden within Penobscot County. Attached is a petition from Bangor dated November 29, 1870.1870
11John E. GodfreyPetition recommending the reappointment of Samuel Stoddard as Inspector of Pots and Pearlash for Penobscot County.1871
12John E. GodfreyRecommending the appointment of John E. Godfrey to the office of Notary Public for Penobscot County.1872
13John E. GodfreyList of names that are Commissioner of Deeds for the State of Maine within the State of Massachusetts.1875
14John E. GodfreyRequesting that Edward W. Gilman receive a license to solemnize marriages.1858
15John E. GodfreyRequesting that Mr. Gilman receive a license to solemnize marriages.1858
16John E. GodfreyRecommending Peter Thacher to fill the position on the Bench of the Supreme Judicial Court.1859
17John E. GodfreyRecommending Jefferson B. Meservey to receive an appointment to the office of Justices of the Peace and of the Quorum.1859
18John E. GodfreyA petition recommending Jonas Burnham to be appointed to the office of Suprerintendent of Common Schools.1859
19John E. GodfreyRecommending the appointment of Jonas Burnham to the office of Superintendent of Common Schools.1859
20John E. GodfreyRecommending the appointment of John S. Kimball to the office of keeper of the Bangor arsenal.1860
21John E. GodfreyRecommending the appointment of F. E. Shaw to the office of County auditor for Penobscot County.1860
22John F. GodfreyPetition recommending the reappointment of Jonathan G. Dickerson.1869
23John F. GodfreyPetition recommending the reappointment of John Appleton as Chief Justice.1869
24John F. GodfreyRecommending the appointment of Simon F. Walker to the office of Moose Warden within Penobscot County. Attached is a petition from Bangor dated November 29, 1870.1870
25John F. GodfreyTransmitting his license to preach with a recommendation to solemnize marriages.1872

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