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Secretary of State Correspondence


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1Benjamin GardinerPetition recommending the appointment of Davis Tillson to the office of Clerk of the Courts.1860
2Frederic GardinerRequesting to become a Commissioner for the State of Maine within the State of Georgia and a letter to recommend him as a worthy person to be a Commissioner.1859
3R. H. Gardiner, Jr.Requesting to become a Commissioner for the State of Maine within the State of Georgia and a letter to recommend him as a worthy person to be a Commissioner.1859
4Robert H. GardinerAcknowledging the receipt of books for the Gardiner Lyceum.1832
5Robert H., GardinerRegarding the legality of the votes for Robert H. Gardiner. He is questioning whether Mr. Gardinger is a natural born citizen of any one of the United States. He also includes the question between Mr. Ripley and himself be resolved.1830
6Robert H. Gardiner, Jr.Insisting that meterological instruments be returned to the State.1874

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