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Secretary of State Correspondence


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1Alonzo GarcelonAppointment to investigate the case dealing with W. Nelson Higgins, an inmate in the Waldo County jail.1879
2Alonzo GarcelonRecommending the appointment of E. P. Weston to the office of superintendent of schools.1860
3Alonzo GarcelonLetter limiting Dr. Garcelon district.1861
4C. E. GarcelonPetition recommending the appointment of Thomas Littlefield to the office of Sheriff of Androscoggin County.1870
5C. E. GarcelonPetition recommending the appointment of Kingsbury Donnell to the office of Justices of the Peace and of the Quorum for Androscoggin County.1872
6E. W. GarcelonPetition recommending Elhanant W. Bennett to the office of Trial Justice.1860
7E. W. GarcelonInstructing Mr. Rust to obtain dipositions regarding a selectman from Troy as he is attempting to prevent enlistment.1862
8Horatio G. GarcelonRecommending the appointment of Horatio G. Garcelon to the office of Justices of the Peace and of the Quorum for Androscoggin County.1873
9Lorenzo GarcelonHouse of Representative members recommending the reappointment of George G. Stacy to the office of State Librarian.1867
10Lorenzo GarcelonRecommending the appointment of William West Virgin to the office of Reporter of Decisions.1870
11Lorenzo GarcelonRecommending the appointment of Ruggles S. Torrey to the office of Justices of the Peace and of the Quorum for Knox County.1870
12Lorenzo GarcelonRecommending the appointment of Lorenzo Garcelon to the office of Justices of the Peace and of the Quorum for Waldo County.1870
13Lorenzo GarcelonPetition recommending Elhanant W. Bennett to the office of Trial Justice.1860
14M. H. GarcelonPetition recommending Elhanant W. Bennett to the office of Trial Justice.1860
15William F. GarcelonPetition recommending the appointment of William H. Waldron as sheriff.1870
16William F. GarcelonRecommending the appointment of Wiliam F. Garcelon to the office of Justices of the Peace and of the Quorum for Androscoggin County.1872

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