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Secretary of State Correspondence


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1Benjamin R. FrisbeeRecommending the appointment of Capt. Gilbert D. Amee to the office of Pilot.1870
2C. W. FrisbeeRecommending the appointment of Capt. Gilbert D. Amee to the office of Pilot.1870
3Daniel FrisbeeRecommending the appointment of Samuel S. Tobey as River pilot for the Piscataqua River and the habors that are on the river.1870
4Daniel FrisbeeRequesting to renew his commission as Justices of the Peace and of the Quorum for York County.1873
5Daniel W. FrisbeeRecommending the appointment of Capt. Gilbert D. Amee to the office of Pilot.1870
6Darius FrisbeeRecommending the appointment of Samuel S. Tobey as River pilot for the Piscataqua River and the habors that are on the river.1870
7George F. FrisbeeRecommending the appointment of Samuel S. Tobey as River pilot for the Piscataqua River and the habors that are on the river.1870
8George F. FrisbeeRecommending the appointment of Capt. Gilbert D. Amee to the office of Pilot.1870
9George W. FrisbeeResignation as Seashore Fish Warden.1907
10Jesse E. FrisbeeRecommending the appointment of Samuel S. Tobey as River pilot for the Piscataqua River and the habors that are on the river.1870
11Jesse E. FrisbeeRecommending the appointment of Capt. Gilbert D. Amee to the office of Pilot.1870
12Solon FrisbeeRecommending the appointment of Capt. Gilbert D. Amee to the office of Pilot.1870
13Solon FrisbeeRecommending the appointment of Solon Frisbee to the office of Pilot for Piscataqua River and harbor for York County.1871

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