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Secretary of State Correspondence


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1B. B. FarnsworthRecommending the appointment of Cyril Pearl to the office of Superintendent of Common Schools.1859
2Daniel FarnsworthRequesting an appointment to the office of Justices of the Peace for Washington County.1870
3Daniel FarnsworthPetition from the citizens of Washington County recommending Peter Thacher be appointed as judge to the Supreme Judicial Court.1859
4Drummond FarnsworthRequesting laws passed by the last Legislature and Greenleaf's report.
5Drummond FarnsworthResignation from the office of Judge of Probate for the County of Somerset.1840
6Jonas FarnsworthRequesting resolves regarding the Passamaquoddy Indians to erect a church and other papers.1834
7Jonas FarnsworthRequesting an investigation as to his accounts.1834
8Oliver FarnsworthPetition recommending the appointment of Jotham Shepherd as inspector of lime and lime cask for the Town of Camden.1869
9W. A. FarnsworthPetition recommending the appointment of J. G. Day to the office of Trial Justice.1860
10W. P. FarnsworthRecommending the appointment of William P. Sprague to the office of Branch Pilot for Penobscot Bay and River for Waldo, Hancock, Knox and Penobscot Counties.1870

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