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Secretary of State Correspondence


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1______ EverettCommunication relating to the $76,786.73 being transferred to the State of Maine.1843
2Alexander H. EverettRequesting help to compile a prospectus called The United States Statistical Journal.1845
3Charles A. EverettRecommending the appointment of Charles A. Everett to the office of Justices of the Peace and of the Quorum for Piscataquis County.1872
4Charles A. EverettRecommending the reappointment of Charles A. Everett to the office of Justices of the Peace and of the Quorum.1872
5Charles A. EverettRecommending the appointment of Charles A. Everett to the office of Justices of the Peace and of the Quorum.1862
6Eben EverettRecommending Washington Gilbert to the office of Reporter of Decisions of the Supreme Judicial Court.1859
7Eben EverettCorrespondence supporting Mr. Woodman, however, he has already committed in favor of another candidate.1859
8Ebenezer EverettAcknowledging receipt of copies of blank forms for Bank returns.1834
9Ebenezer EverettTransmitting four copies of the blank form of the Return prescribed by the Act to regulate Banks and Banking, passed March 31st, 1831.1835
10Ebenezer EverettReceived four copies of the blank form of returns for banks.1836
11Ebenezer EverettAcknowledging the receipt of four blank bank returns.1837
12Ebenezer EverettAcknowledging the receipt of blank bank returns.1838
13Ebenezer EverettReport of commissioners for revising the public laws.1838
14Edward EverettAcknowledging the receipt of some documents.1839
15Edward EverettRequesting an appropriation on the part of Massachusetts for the continuation of the Aroostook Road to the river St. John.1839
16Edward EverettRequesting an appropriation on the part of Massachusetts for the continuation of the Aroostook Road to the river St. John.1839
17Edward EverettRegarding the issue of permits for public lots in each township.1839
18Edward EverettCommunication dealing with permits to cut down trees in the Aroostook area.1839
19Edward EverettCommunication relative to fugitives from justice.1839
20Edward EverettAcknowledging the receipt of a box to be sent to the Antiquarian Society.1839
21Edward EverettCommunication relating to the Disputed Territory Fund Account.1844
22Edward EverettAcknowledging the receipt of the laws passed by the Maine Legislature.1848
23Edward EverettRending his services as a book jobber for the State of Maine.1856
24James EverettPetition recommending the appointment of William H. Waldron as sheriff.1870

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