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Secretary of State Correspondence


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1Alpheus R. EatonRecommending the appointment of Alpheus R. Eaton to the office of Justices of the Peace and of the Quorum for Oxford County.1871
2Amos H. EatonPetition recommending the appointment of Amos H. Eaton to the office of Supervisor of Schools within Somerset County, once the office is vacant.1870
3Amos H. EatonRecommending the appointment of W. H. Savary and Amos H. Eaton for the office of Superintendent of Schools for Hancock and Somerset Counties.1870
4Augustus B. EatonRecommending the appointment of Augustus B. Eaton to the office of Justices of the Peace and of the Quorum for Somerset County.1870
5Azor W. EatonRecommending the appointment of Josiah Merrill to the office of Justices of the Peace and of the Quorum for Kennebec County.1872
6C. Y. EatonPetition recommending the appointment of Edwin Rose to the office of clerk of the court for Lincoln County.1861
7Charles EatonRecommending the appointment of Charles Eaton to the office of Notary Public for Hancock County.1873
8Cyrus EatonPetition recommending the appointment of Lysander Hill to the office of attorney for the County of Knox.1860
9D. L. EatonCommunication dealing with the payment due Leonard Watson from the Maine Soldier's Relief Association.1867
10Edwards EatonPetition of citizens of Fort Kent etc. asking William Dickey's appointment as School Agent in Madawaska District.1870
11H. B. EatonPetition recommending the appointment of Jotham Shepherd as inspector of lime and lime cask for the Town of Camden.1869
12H. B. EatonPetition to recommend the appointment of J. W. V. Norwood to the office of Register of Deeds within Knox County.1860
13J. R. EatonPetition recommending the appointment of Jotham S. Gould to the office of register of deeds for Franklin County.1868
14J. R. EatonPetition recommending the appointment of Hans Rubert Goodenow for Judge of Probate.1870
15Jeromi EatonPetition to recommend David Gordon to be appointed as Indian Agent to the Passapaquoddy Tribe.1867
16John EatonPetition recommending the appointment of George W. Coombs to the office of Sheriff of Androscoggin County.1870
17John F. EatonPetition recommending the appointment of Thomas Littlefield to the office of Sheriff for Androscoggin County.1870
18Joseph EatonRecommending Solymon Heath to the office of Reporter of Decisions of the Supreme Judicial Court.1859
19Josiah G. EatonRequesting to renew his Justice position as his expired.1871
20L. H. EatonRecommending the appointment of David Worcester to the office of Superintendent of Common Schools.1859
21Marion F. EatonRecommending the appointment of Josiah Merrill to the office of Justices of the Peace and of the Quorum for Kennebec County.1872
22P. G. EatonRecommending the reappointment of George G. Stacy to the office of State Librarian.1867
23Perkins EatonRemonstrance against the election of E. Pratt as ensign in a company of infantry in the 4th Regiment, 1st Brigade, 8th Division.1839
24Sewall EatonRecommending the appointment of Nathaniel Graves for commissioner on State valuation.1869
25Sewall EatonPetition recommending the appointment of James L. Stoddard to the office of Register of Deeds for Kennebec County.1870

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