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Secretary of State Correspondence


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1E. W. DunbarRecommending the appointment of Edwin Rose to the office of clerk of the court for Lincoln County.1862
2Edward W. DunbarSchedule of recommendations regarding Republicans presented by George B. Sawyer.1861
3G. DunbarCommunication dealing the military pension of William J. Deane.1869
4M. DunbarAccount of the clerk of the court of commissioners within Washington County.1867
5Manning DunbarAcknowledging the receipt of blanks for the towns throughout Washington County.1870
6Manning DunbarAcknowledging the receipt f blank election returns for distribution within Washington County.1871
7Manning DunbarAcknowledging the receipt of packages for distribution within the towns and cities of Washington County.1872
8Manning DunbarAcknowledging the receipt of packages for distribution within towns and cities for Washington County.1872
9Samuel DunbarRecommending the appointment of Samuel Dunbar to the office of Justices of the Peace and of the Quorum for Hancock County.1871

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