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Secretary of State Correspondence


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1Hiram DorrRequesting a copy of the school law of this State.1869
2John DorrPetition recommending the appointment of Nathaniel Graves to the office of commissioner on state valuation.1869
3John DorrPetition requesting that Charles F. Stevens be appointed or employed to supervise the improvements of ventilation and heating for the Insane Hospital.1861
4Joseph P. DorrRecommending the reappointment of Joseph P. Dorr to the office of Justices of the Peace and of the Quorum for Washington County.1872
5Neal DorrRecommending J. N. Winslow to oversee the construction of the heating for the Insane hospital in Augusta.1861
6Samuel DorrRecommending the appointment of Samuel Dorr to the office of Coroner within Hancock County.1871
7Thomas W. DorrRequesting commissions to take acknowledgments etc. out of the State.1838
8Thomas W. DorrDeclines the position as Commissioner for the State within Rhode Island, however, a recommendation for Thomas White to be appointed in his place.1839
9Thomas W. DorrDeclining his commission as Commissioner for the State and to take the acknowledgments of Deed, etc. for the State within the State of Rhode Island.1839
10William DorrPiece of paper that states--receipts taken by William Door of Kennebec County for blanks. 1841.1841
11William DorrAcknowledging the receipt of blanks for the distribution to the towns within the Kennebec and Somerset Congressional District.1841
12William DorrAcknowledging the receipt of copies of a proclamation from the Governor.1841
13William DorrAcknowledging the receipt of copies of a proclamation from the Governor.1841
14William DorrAcknowledging the receipt of blank election returns.1841
15William DorrAcknowledging the receipt of blank election returns.1841
16William DorrAcknowledging the receipt of copies of a proclamation from the Governor.1841

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