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Secretary of State Correspondence


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1Asbury DickinsTransmitting three copies of the first volume, fourth series, of the Documentary History of the American Revolution.1838
2Asbury DickinsTransmitting "the collection of acts of Congress and official instructions and opinions respecting the public lands."1839
3Asbury DickinsTransmitting the second volume of the Documentary History of the American Revolution.1840
4Asbury DickinsTransmitting copies of documents in relation to the public lands and respecting the sale and disposition of the public lands, and official opinions of the Attorney General on questions arising under the land laws.1842
5Asbury DickinsTransmitting copies of the first volume in series five of the Documentary History of the American Revolution.1849
6Asbury Dickins, 1780-1861Transmitting laws passed by joint resolution of Congress of 1832.1837

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