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Secretary of State Correspondence


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1Alexis CyrPetition of citizens of Fort Kent etc. asking William Dickey's appointment as School Agent in Madawaska District.1870
2David CyrPetition of citizens of Fort Kent etc. asking William Dickey's appointment as School Agent in Madawaska District.1870
3Dinnes CyrPetition of citizens of Fort Kent etc. asking William Dickey's appointment as School Agent in Madawaska District.1870
4Edward CyrPetition of citizens of Fort Kent etc. asking William Dickey's appointment as School Agent in Madawaska District.1870
5Exeris CyrPetition of citizens of Fort Kent etc. asking William Dickey's appointment as School Agent in Madawaska District.1870
6Germain Cyr, Jr.Petition of citizens of Fort Kent etc. asking William Dickey's appointment as School Agent in Madawaska District.1870
7Joseph CyrPetition of citizens of Fort Kent etc. asking William Dickey's appointment as School Agent in Madawaska District.1870
8Joseph F. CyrResignation as Register of Deeds for the Northern District of Aroostook County and recommending Theodule Albert to fill the vacancy.1906
9Paul CyrTransmitting a list of names for nomination as Justices of the Peace in Aroostook County.1844
10Remi CyrResignation from the office as County Commissioner for Aroostook County.1854
11Theodore CyrPetition of citizens of Fort Kent etc. asking William Dickey's appointment as School Agent in Madawaska District.1870
12Vital CyrPetition of citizens of Fort Kent etc. asking William Dickey's appointment as School Agent in Madawaska District.1870

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