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Secretary of State Correspondence


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1Charles W. CopelandPetition recommending the appointment of Lysander Hill to the office of attorney for the County of Knox.1860
2Charles W. CopelandPetiton recommending the appointment of William H. Meservey to the office of County Commissioner for Knox County.1860
3Charles W. CopelandPetition to recommend the appointment of John D. Rust to the office of sheriff within Knox County.1860
4Charles W. CopelandPetition recommending the appointment of Samuel S. Hodgman to the office of clerk of the courts within Knox County.1860
5D. C. CopelandPetition to recommend David Gordon to be appointed as Indian Agent to the Passapaquoddy Tribe.1867
6Edwin CopelandPetition recommending the appointment of Lysander Hill to the office of attorney for the County of Knox.1860
7Edwin CopelandPetition to recommend the appointment of John D. Rust to the office of sheriff within Knox County.1860
8Edwin CopelandPetition recommending the appointment of Samuel S. Hodgman to the office of clerk of the courts within Knox County.1860
9F. CopelandCommunication relating to the case dealing with the theft of Mr. F. Copeland and Company. This person can plead his case in front of the Council.1848
10H. C. CopelandPetition to recommend David Gordon as agent of the Passamaquoddy Indians.1859
11James CopelandPetition recommending the appointment of Lysander Hill to the office of attorney for the County of Knox.1860
12Samuel CopelandPetition of the citizens and taxpayers of Dexter for the appointment of D. D. Flynt as constable according to the provisions of Chapter 17 and 27 of the Revised Statutes.1882
13Thomas CopelandAcknowledging the receipt of blanks for election returns.1838
14Thomas CopelandAcknowledging the receipt of retuns of scholars.1838
15Thomas CopelandAcknowledging the receipt of precepts within the Congressional District of Kennebec and Somerset Counties.1841
16Thomas CopelandAcknowledging the receipt of blank election returns.1841
17Thomas CopelandAcknowledging the receipt of copies of a proclamation from the Governor.1841
18William J. CopelandPetition recommending the reappointment of Jonathan G. Dickerson to his office as associate justice of the Supreme Judicial Court.1869

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