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Secretary of State Correspondence


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1George R. ConyPetition for the appointment of Lou Alford as trial justice.1860
2Samuel ConyCommunication dealing with the payment of Mr. Fenwick's services while Samuel Cony was Governor of this State. Also Mr. Farwell wanted compensation for his services.1868
3Samuel ConyRequesting his commission as Notary Public within Penobscot County.1870
4Samuel ConyResignation from the office of Judge of Probate from Penobscot County.1847
5Samuel ConyResignation from the office of Land agent.1850
6Samuel ConyTransmitting a draft of $25,871.33 on account of interest due the State under the act of Congress of March 3, 1851.1851
7Samuel ConyTransmitting the second payment due the State regarding the Act of Congress of March 3, 1851.1851
8Samuel ConyTransmitting the third payment to the State of Maine under the Act of Congress of March 3, 1851.1851
9Samuel ConyCommunication relating to the payment of interest due the State of Maine according to the Act of March 3, 1851.1852
10Samuel ConyAccepting his office as Treasurer of the State.1853
11Samuel ConyResignation from the office of director of the Augusta Bank.1854
12Samuel ConyRecommending the appointment of Robert Goodenow to the office of Bank Commissioner.1861
13Samuel Cony, 1811-1870A letter acknowledging the receipt of infantry tactics and field artillery.1830
14Samuel Cony, 1811-1870Communication from Adjutant General transmitting annual return.1830
15Samuel Cony, 1811-1870Annual returns of the Adjutant General's Office.1828
16Samuel Cony, 1811-1870Inquiring as to what was the reason for his removal as the State's Adjutant General.
17Samuel Cony, 1811-1870Abstract of the annual return of the State militia for 1826.1827
18Samuel Cony, 1811-1870Informing the Secretary of State of the death of Governor Enoch Lincoln -- October 8, 1829, 10 PM at Mr. Cony's home.1829
19Samuel Cony, 1811-1870Requesting a copy of the original petition of George W. Cummings, requesting to organize them into a corps of light infantry, to have for their files.1832

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