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Secretary of State Correspondence


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1Albert G. CliffordPetition recommending the appointment of Prentiss M. Fogler to the office of Register of Deeds for Kennebec County.1870
2Alonzo J. CliffordRecommending the appointment of Alonzo J. Clifford to solemnize marriages for the State of Maine.1873
3Benjamin CliffordPetition to recommend Thomas C. Davis to the office of Trial Justice for the town of Windsor.1860
4C. E. CliffordPetition recommending the reappointment of Jonathan G. Dickerson to his office as associate justice of the Supreme Judicial Court.1869
5C. E. CliffordRecommending the appointment of Bela Townsend for the office of Trial Justice within York County.1870
6Charles E. CliffordRequesting his commission of Justices of the Peace and of the Quorum be renewed.1863
7Elbridge CliffordReport of C. P. Stetson, County Attorney of Penobscot County on the complaint of W. C. Clark.1868
8Elisha A. CliffordRecommending the appointment of Elisha A. Clifford to the office of Justices of the Peace and of the Quorum for Penobscot County.1872
9G. H. CliffordRecommending the appointment of Nathaniel T. True to the office of Superintendent of Schools.1860
10George F. CliffordPetition recommending the reappointment of Jonathan G. Dickerson to his office as associate justice of the Supreme Judicial Court.1869
11Gustavus CliffordReport of C. P. Stetson, County Attorney of Penobscot County on the complaint of W. C. Clark.1868
12J. N. CliffordRecommending the appointment of John B. Merrill to solemnize marriages for the State of Maine.1873
13John CliffordPetition to recommend Thomas C. Davis to the office of Trial Justice for the town of Windsor.1860
14John CliffordPetition recommending the appointment of Edwin Rose to the office of clerk of the court for Lincoln County.1861
15Justin CliffordRecommending the appointment of Charles W. Goddard to the office of judge of the Supreme Court.1868
16N. H. CliffordMembers of the Cumberland Bar supporting Mr. Symonds.1868
17Nathan CliffordResigning his office as Attorney General so that he may fill a position on the Executive Council.1834
18Nathan CliffordNathan Clifford's reply to Governor Dunlap's inquiry in relation to certain foreign affairs.1835
19Nathan CliffordRecommending Jabes C. Woodman to the office of Reporter of Decisions of the Supreme Judicial Court.1859
20Nathan CliffordCommunication dealing with the pros and cons of the candidates being considered for the Reporter of Decisions of the Supreme Judicial Court.1859
21P. N. CliffordPetition recommending the appointment of Prentiss M. Fogler to the office of Register of Deeds for Kennebec County.1870
22W. H. CliffordNumber of cases on the docket of the SJC for Cumberland County and attorny's names.1868
23W. H. CliffordPetition recommending the appointment of Charles P. Mattocks as County Attorney.1870
24W. J. CliffordRecommending the appointment of Benjamin C. Wentworth to solemnize marriages for the State.1872
25W. N. CliffordMembers of the Cumberland Bar supporting Mr. Goddard.1868

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