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Secretary of State Correspondence


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1Henry Clay, 1777-1852Forwarding copies of the laws passed during the last session of Congress.1828
2Henry Clay, 1777-1852The Governor of Maryland transmitting Resolutions of the General Assembly of that State recommending Henry Clay for the Presidency and John Sergeant for the Vice Presidency of the United States.1832
3Henry Clay, 1777-1852Requesting a copy of the returns in Maine at the last general election for President.1846
4L. ClayRecommending Wales Hubbard to the office of Reporter of Decisions of the Supreme Judicial Court.1859
5Lorenso ClayPetition recommending the appointment of Nathaniel Graves to the office of commissioner on state valuation.1869
6Lorenso ClayPetition recommending the appointment of James L. Stoddard to the office of Register of Deeds for Kennebec County.1870
7Lorenzo ClayPetition recommending the appointment of William Penn Whitehouse to the office of county attorney.1869
8Luther ClayPetition recommending the appointment of Elijah Wyman to the office of Trial Justice.1860
9S. ClayRecommending the appointment of Charles E. Bachelder to the office of Justices of the Peace and of the Quorum for Kennebec County.1871

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