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Secretary of State Correspondence


Search Results

Results 1 to 25 of 65

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1Benjamin ChadbourneCommunication dealing with the reimbursement from the United States to the State of Maine regarding individuals who were hurt while defending the North eastern boundary dispute.1857
2Benjamin ChadbourneA list of the authorized resolves put to George M. Weston.1857
3Benjamin F. ChadbourneResignation as a member of the Legislature of Maine.1891
4Benjamin F. ChadbourneResignation as Board of State Assessors.1892
5Benjamin L. ChadbournePetition of George W. Nutt to be appointed Indian Agent for the Passamaquoddy tribe.1859
6C. B. ChadbournePetition recommending the appointment of Andrew C. Walker to the office of Superintendent of Public Buildings.1867
7C. B. ChadbournePetition recommending the appointment of Andrew C. Walker to the office of Superintendent of Public buildings.1867
8George ChadbourneList of members of the Republican County Committee for Cumberland County.1868
9George ChadbourneRecommending the appointment of Charles P. Mattocks to the office of county attorney.1870
10George E. ChadbourneRecommending the appointment of George E. Chadbourne to the office of Trial Justice within Cumberland County.1868
11George E. ChadbourneRecommending the appointment of Albert Gould to the office of Coroner for Cumberland County.1871
12George E. ChadbourneRecommending the appointment of George G. Wight to the office of Justices of the Peace and of the Quorum for Cumberland County.1872
13George E. ChadbourneRecommending the appointment of Isaiah S. Webb to the office of Justices of the Peace and of the Quorum for Cumberland County.1873
14H. H. ChadbourneRecommending the appointment of Cyril Pearl to the office of Superintendent of Common Schools.1859
15Harry M. ChadbourneRecommending the appointment of Cyril Pearl to the office of Superintendent of Common Schools.1859
16Israel ChadbourneAcknowledging receipt of copies of a proclamation by the Governor.1837
17Israel ChadbourneAcknowledging the receipt of copies of a proclamation from the Governor and blank returns for banks.1837
18Israel ChadbourneAcknowledging the receipt of copies of a proclamation from the Governor.1839
19Israel ChadbourneAcknowledging the receipt of copies of a proclamation from the Governor.1840
20Israel ChadbourneAcknowledging the receipt of part of his packages for distribution.1840
21Israel ChadbourneAcknowledging the receipt of blank election returns and copies of a proclamation from the Governor.1842
22Israel ChadbourneCommunication relating to the fact that he had received the Proclamations in time for distribution.1843
23Israel ChadbourneAcknowledging the receipt of blank books for distribution.1843
24Israel ChadbourneAcknowledging the receipt of copies of a proclamation from the Governor.1843
25Israel ChadbourneCommunication relating to the package that has not been received.1844

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