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Secretary of State Correspondence


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1A. ButlerPetition recommending the appointment of Oliver T. Beale to the office of Keeper of the arsenal.1861
2Alford ButlerPetition recommending the appointment of Benjamin Brown to the office of keeper of the Portland arsenal.1860
3Amos ButlerResignation as Special Attorney for the State in Somerset County.1908
4B. F. ButlerPetition recommending the appointment of Nathaniel Graves to the office of commissioner for State valuation.1869
5B. F. ButlerPetition recommending the appointment of James L. Stoddard to the office of Register of Deeds for Kennebec County.1870
6Barney ButlerRequesting an appointment to a commission as Commissioner for the State and to take the acknowledgments of Deed, etc. for the State within the State of New York.1863
7Benjamin ButlerPetition recommending the appointment of George A. Smith to the office of register of deeds within Franklin County.1868
8C. B. ButlerReceived four copies of the blank form of returns for banks.1836
9C. E. ButlerPetition recommending the appointment of Edwin Rose to the office of clerk of the court for Lincoln County.1862
10Charles E. ButlerRecommending that Charles E. Butler receive a commission for Justices of the Peace.1858
11David Butler, 1829-1891Announcing the movement of the governmental seat in Nebraska. (a second copy is included)1870
12E. K. ButlerPetition requesting that Charles F. Stevens be appointed or employed to supervise the improvements of ventilation and heating for the Insane Hospital.1861
13E. P. ButlerRecommending E. P. Butler to the office of treasurer to the Industrial College.1867
14E. P. ButlerRecommending the appointment of Isaiah Stetson to the office of treasurer of the Industrial College.1867
15E. P. ButlerAcknowledging the receipt of blank returns for banks.1837
16E. P. ButlerAcknowledging the receipt of blank bank returns.1838
17E. P. ButlerAcknowledging the receipt of blank bank returns.1839
18E. P. Butler Petition recommending the appointment of Charles Buffum as Indian Agent for the Penobscot Tribe.1864
19Edward K. ButlerLetter from Wales Hubbard with a list of persons recommending him for Reporter of the Judicial Decisions.1859
20Edward K. ButlerRecommending Wales Hubbard to the office of Reporter of Decisions of the Supreme Judicial Court.1859
21Edward K. ButlerA petition recommending Jonas Burnham to be appointed to the office of Suprerintendent of Common Schools.1859
22Ezra Butler, 1763-1838Receipt of laws from the State of Maine.1827
23F. G. ButlerRequesting that he be appointed to the office of Judge of Probate for Franklin County.1870
24F. G. ButlerAcknowledging the receipt of blank election returns for distribution.1852
25F. G. ButlerAcknowledging the receipt of blank s for distribution.1853

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