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Secretary of State Correspondence


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1A. K. BurnsPetition recommending the appointment of Davis Tillson to the office of Clerk of Courts.1860
2George B. BurnsRecommending the appointment of George B. Burns to the office of Justices of the Peace and of the Quorum.1870
3James BurnsRequesting his renewal of his commission as Justices of the Peace and of the Quorum.1868
4James BurnsPetition recommending the appointment of Lindsey M. Staples to the office of Trial Justices for Knox County.1871
5John BurnsPetition to recommend David Gordon as agent of the Passamaquoddy Indians.1859
6Phineas BurnsRecommending the appointment of Phineas Barnes to the office of judge within the Superior Court.1868
7Phineas BurnsCommunication relating to the qualifications of Mr. Goddard and Mr. Burns to hold the judge's position on the Superior Court.1868
8Robert BurnsRequesting permission for the United States to construct a customs house in the City of Eastport.1847
9Thomas BurnsPetition recommending the appointment of Lindsey M. Staples to the office of Trial Justices for Knox County.1871

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