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Secretary of State Correspondence


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1Charles BunkerPetition recommending Davis Tilson to be appointed to the office of Clerk of the Court for Knox County.1860
2Daniel BunkerCommunication to the sheriffs of the several counties respecting "an act in relation to the attachment of real estate.1857
3Daniel BunkerCopy of a letter forwarded to all the sheriffs in the State transmitting parcels containing blanks for distribution.1857
4Daniel BunkerTransmitting letters and packages of blanks for distribution in the several cities, towns, and plantations in the specific Counties.1858
5Daniel BunkerA copy of a letter sent to all the sheriffs instructing to distribute parcels to the various towns etc., within their County.1858
6Daniel BunkerRecommending John S. Abbott to the office of Reporter of Decisions of the Supreme Judicial Court.1859
7Daniel BunkerRecommending the appointment of Nathaniel T. True to the office of Superintendent of Schools.1860
8E. BunkerRecommending the appointment of E. Bunker to the office of Trial Justice.1860
9Enoch BunkerPetition requesting that Samuel W. Haskins not continue to be agent for the Penobscot Tribe.1860
10Enoch BunkerRecommending the appointment of Enoch Bunker to the office of Trial Justice for Penobscot County.1860
11Fred BunkerCertificate stating that Frank A. Leavitt is of age to contract for a voyage to go to sea. He has no guardian or parents.1862
12J. B. BunkerPetition recommending the appointment of Tristram Goldthwaite, Jr. to the office of Notary Public for York County.1872
13K. M. BunkerPetition recommending the appointment of Jesse Stewart to the office of Trial Justice for the town of Sebec.1860
14Leavitt L. BunkerCommunication dealing with the question as to who has authority over a person who has committed a crime in one State and flees to another.1866
15Reuben BunkerPetition recommending the appointment of Isaiah Jenkins to the office of Trial Justice for the town of New Portland.1860
16Robert BunkerPetition recommending Davis Tilson to be appointed to the office of Clerk of the Court for Knox County.1860
17Samuel BunkerRecommending the appointment of Samuel Bunker to the office of Justices of the Peace and of the Quorum for Somerset County.1872
18Samuel BunkerPetition recommending the appointment of Thomas Gray to the office of Trial Justice for the town of North Anson.1860
19Silas BunkerPetition recommending Davis Tilson to be appointed to the office of Clerk of the Court for Knox County.1860
20William J. BunkerRecommending the appointment of Rev. O. P. Fernald to the office of Superintendent of Common Schools.1860

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