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Secretary of State Correspondence


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1Alexander H. Bullock (Alexander Hamilton), 1816-1882Recommending A. H. Bicknell to paint Abraham Lincoln's portrait.1867
2Alexander H. Bullock (Alexander Hamilton), 1816-1882Communication dealing with a proposed amendment to the Constitution of the United States.1866
3J. M. BullockAcknowledging that he has received three copies of the laws passed by the Maine Legislature.1836
4J. M. BullockTransmitt laws passed by the Legislature from the State of Kentucky.1837
5J. M. BullockTransmitting the laws passed by the State of Kentucky and requesting the same from the State of Maine.1838
6J. M. BullockAcknowledging the receipt of laws passed by the Legislature from the State of Maine.1838
7Wescott BullockCommunication announcing the ordination of Loring T. Staples.1869
8Wescott BullockRecommending the appointment of B. Clark Chadborn to solemnize marriages for the State of Maine.1873

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