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Secretary of State Correspondence


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1Alonzo BryantRecommending the appointment of Oramel Murray to the office of Justices of the Peace and of the Quorum for Waldo County.1872
2Benjamin D. BryantRecommending the reappointment of Benjamin D. Bryant to the office of Justices of the Peace and of the Quorum for Androscoggin County.1870
3Benjamin Dole BryantPetition recommending the appointment of George W. Coombs to the office of Sheriff of Androscoggin County.1870
4Cushing BryantRecommending the appointment of George B. Sawyer to the office of Clerk of the Courts for Lincoln County.1861
5Cushing BryantList of principal names to be appointed to various county positions.1861
6Cushing BryantSchedule of recommendations regarding Republicans presented by George B. Sawyer.1861
7Cushing BryantCommunication to G. B. S. regarding the appointment of Edwin Rose.1861
8Cushing BryantRegarding how Mr. J. L. Haines was pusuaded to remain neutral, also referring to his own letter.1861
9David BryantRecommending the appointment of David Bryant to the office of trial justice within Waldo County.1868
10David BryantCommunication dealing with some signed blanks and an application of David Bryant as Justice of the Court of Trials for Thorndike.1847
11David BryantUnion Democrats recommending the appointment of Edwin Rose to the office of clerk of the court for Lincoln County.1861
12David BryantRecommending the appointment of Edwin Rose to the office of clerk of the court for Lincoln County.1861
13David BryantRecommending the appointment of Edwin Rose to the office of clerk of the court for Lincoln County.1861
14Foster BryantRequesting copies of part of the report of the Warden and inspectors of the State Prison for the years 1831-1833.1834
15Franklin BryantPetition recommending the appointment of George B. Sawyer to the office of clerk of the court for Lincoln County.1861
16George BryantPetition recommending the appointment of George B. Sawyer to the office of clerk of the court for Lincoln County.1861
17Hubbard W. BryantRecommending the appointment of Hubbard W. Bryant to the office of Notary Public for Cumberland County.1872
18Hubbard W. BryantRegarding a law passed by the State Legislature involving the Maine Historical Society.1887
19J. A. BryantRecommending the appointment of John Hart to solemnize marriages for the State.1870
20John A. BryantRequesting that John A. Bryant be able to solemnize marriages.1869
21John A. BryantCommunication dealing with John A. Bryant of Castle Hill can now preach the gospel according to the usage of the Freewill Baptist Church.1870
22John A. BryantRequesting Frederic H. Bubar to solemnize marriages for the State.1870
23John A. BryantRequesting that John Hart be appointed to solemnize marriage for the State.1870
24John C. BryantPetition recommending the appointment of George W. Coombs to the office of Sheriff of Androscoggin County.1870
25Joseph BryantRecommending the appointment of David Worcester to the office of Superintendent of Common Schools.1859

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