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Secretary of State Correspondence


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1C. H. BrettA petition recommending Jonas Burnham to be appointed to the office of Suprerintendent of Common Schools.1859
2D. L. BrettPetition to recommending the appointment of Joseph W. Holden to the office of Trial Justice.1872
3E. C. BrettPetition recommending the reappointment of Jonathan G. Dickerson.1869
4E. C. BrettPetition recommending the reappointment of John Appleton as Chief Justice.1869
5E. C. BrettRecommending the appointment of Charles S. Weld to the office of Trial Justice for Penobscot County.1870
6E. C. BrettRequesting to be appointed as Trial Justice for Penobscot County.1873
7E. C. BrettRequesting that Mr. Hodgdon send a letter of recommendation for E. C. Brett for the appointment of Recorder for the Supreme Judicial Court.1859
8E. C. BrettRequesting to Governor Morrill to be appointed to the office of Reporter of Decisions to the Supreme Judicial Court.1859
9E. C. BrettDeclining to recommend Mr. Abbott for the office of Reporter of the Supreme Judicial Court as he is also interested in the position.1859
10E. C. BrettRecommending E. C. Brett to the office of Reporter of Decisions of the Supreme Judicial Court.1859
11E. C. BrettRecommending the appointment of David Worcester to the office of Superintendent of Common Schools.1859
12E. C. BrettPetition recommending the appointment of David Norton to the office of Trial Justice.1860
13Ezra C. BrettRequesting to be appointed as Justices of the Peace and of the Quorum for Penobscot County.1870
14Victor BrettRecommending the appointment of Victor Brett to the office of Justices of the Peace and of the Quorum for Penobscot County.1872

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